
Best Free itouch Apps

Google Mobile app.
Now I suppose you could live without Google. I'm told people in third world countries do it everyday.
I happen to know my grandma lives fine without it, but if you wanna be cooler than my grandma you're gonna need this free app.

Facebook app.
Addicted to Facebook? Well then you freak. This is the perfect app for you.
Now you can virtually stalk all your efriends everywhere you go.

Twitterrific app.
Perhaps usually inane banter from complete strangers is your addiction?
Well check this app out all you Twitter heads. Now you can take Twitter with you everywhere, just imagine all the time you can waste now.

Ereader app.
I've heard a small minority of the population still actually reads meaningful literature
. I'm quite skeptical about that. You're not that likely to use it.
Ahem, are you?

Evernote app.

If like me you're tired of putting sticky notes everywhere to remember birthdays, anniversaries, appointments, or plans for total world domination than this is the app for you my memory challenged friend. Never again forget what time the lady across the street takes a shower, go get this free iphone app!

Weatherbug app.
Sick of constantly looking out the window to see if it's raining? Maybe like me your trailer house has aluminum foil covering the windows to protect your loved ones (cats) from radium in the air and you need to know if toxic acid rain is pouring down from the heavens. Well never fear, the free weatherbug app is here.

eBay Mobile app.
How many times have you been in a meeting and realized you need a new fleshlight?
Maybe you just want toast that slightly resembles Jesus right now!
Or maybe like me, you just need to sell your vintage spork collection. Well my friends check out this free iphone app!

ShoZu app .
ShoZu is a nifty little app. Boasting support for over 4o social networking sites Shozu allows you to upload photos, add comments and just about everything else you want to do to waste your time. Shozu is kinda like the swiss army knife of social network apps. But unfortunately unlike a swiss army knife, you can't stab someone repeatedly in the eyes with it.

Truveo app.
Truveo is like google for videos. Never be bored in the bathroom again. Find yourself something else to watch during that boring meeting at work. With Truveo you'll have the ability to search through videos from
NBC, CNN, The Disney Channel, HBO, Discovery Channel, Comedy Central, PBS, MTV, The Wall Street Journal,
Youtube, Dailymotion and more. Enough free iphone videos to slack your way through a whole work day!

AOL Radio app.
Definitely the app of choice for all you radio addicts. Now you'll always have the ability to tune out your girlfriend or mother depending how cool you are. Features over 200 stations more than 25 genres of music and 150+ radio stations from across the U.S. Hundreds of free music stations and a variety of popular terrestrial news, sports, talk stations.

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